Build Your Capital Expenditure List Inflow & Expense Cash Flow Statements Projected Cash Flow Forecast Capital Expenditure Payback Analysis

Run your Business Smarter With a Guided Cash Flow Tool

Follow a step-by-step process to create an accurate Capital Expenditure (CapEx) list with costing, a comprehensive Cash Flow (Inflow & Expense) and let the system generate a Financial Forecast & CapEx Payback Analysis — even if you have no financial background.

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Not sure how to get started? Or what details to include? BizRunTool gives you a step-by-step process for completing every aspect of your budget.

Prepare Comprehensive CapEx List

Create Product Categories & Inventory

Capture Daily Expenses & Revenues

View Profit & Loss Cash Flow Statements

View CapEx Payback Analysis

View Expense & Inflow Cash flow Statement

Generate Profit/Loss Statement

Generate Detailed Cash Flow Statement

Generate Balance Sheet Statement

See All your Capital Expenses and Cash Flow in One Place

Comprehensive CapEx Payback Analysis
Comprehensive CapEx Budgeting Analysis
Cash Inflow Grouping and Analysis
Cash Expense Grouping and Analysis